Wednesday 3 January 2018

5 ways to counter sniper in mini militia 2018

5 ways to counter sniper in mini militia

You might have been through this once where you got a bitter taste of what a pro sniper can do in the Mini militia. So for all those non-fans of sniper out there, I bring you some of the best working counters to finally end the brutal regime of snipers. I consider myself a decent player of these game and these are some measures I have actually used and found it to be really effective.

So, without further ado let's get into the countermeasures. 

1. The waiting game.

Once you are aware that someone has a sniper and he/she is good at it, play the waiting game.  Just stay back and secure yourself, this gives you more advantage. Don't bother rushing like a mad dog trust me it won't end well for you.

While you wait it is advisable to have a weapon with good range with you for two good reasons:

1. To fire back at the sniper when he/she comes for you.

2. To eliminate the new spawners

So, before you get into hiding you want to equip yourself with good weapons.  This would be very easy as most weapons appear right on the respawn location.
It also advisable to be extra vigilant for bombs. Sniper can take advantage of its long-range so keep tracking its location cautiously.

2. Shield yourself.

exploretips-shield against sniper
The shield is one of the best weapons in the game and personally one of my favorite.  Also one of the best counter against the sniper or any other guns.

Things to remember when you are equipping a shield.

1. Be wary of your nitro.  Shield consumes nitro faster avoid being in the air for too long.

2. Although you are invisible at the front.  You are vulnerable to attacks from the back so beware of sneak attacks.

While you are Countering sniper or any other guns. Try to maintain a good shield angle towards the direction of incoming fire.

3. Make good use of obstacles.

Crouch mini militia counter for sniper in mini militia
Cover yourself behind tiny obstacles in the game like the wood and rocks. crouch and keep moving towards the sniper with your gun aiming down. Somehow crouching and aiming down makes you invincible to the sniper. In between look up and shoot down your opponent. But remember you are also vulnerable while shooting.

4. Count bullets.

Sniper only 4 bullets in a clip and has to go through a long reload time compared to other guns. Sniper is most vulnerable during this time. Take your chance and strike down your opponent. 

5. Sniper vs sniper.

The best counter to a sniper is with another sniper. If you are good at sniping than your opponent then the result has been already decided. If you are not so confident with your sniper skills take a defensive approach.

1. Don't fly around too much

2. Take a higher spot with a good view on either side.

3. Stay on the ground you have better chance of surviving

Hope this post gave you something new to remember. Now get into the game and start shooting down those irritating snipers.
If I have missed any important tips, feel free to leave a comment.

Read more: Pro tips for beginners in Mini militia

Read more: All ranks and badges in Mini militia in detail.


  1. Nice tips to counteract Sniper author. Good Work!!

  2. good ur post let me sort out the possiblities and opportunities

  3. Also while Using shield , try to don't use the bomb , since if we bomb someone the shield will loose on tat time and we may only have pistol on that time
